Saturday 9 April 2016

Why I want to freelance.

Why do I want be a freelancer? Why do I want to give up the security of regular hours and a regular pay cheque, to work irregular hours for irregular pay?

It's simple.

I want to be my own boss.

And I want to work from home.

Does this happen to everyone in middle age? I don't know. What I do know is that I want to decide how I spend my days. I'm an adult, and a capable one; why should I have a boss hanging over my shoulder, or requiring me to sign out every time I walk out of the office?

The work that I do requires me to be around people all day, every day. I have no control over my exposure to people and, as an introvert, that exhausts me. When I come home from work I have no desire to be social; it requires all of my energy to be nice to my husband and dog! {Joking. I love my husband and my dog.}

I have no illusions about freelancing. I know that it will come with its own frustrations like difficult clients and irregular pay days. I know I will be just as subject to deadlines as I am now. The difference is that as a freelancer I will have choices. Difficult clients? Replace them with better clients. Tight deadlines? I could work 5am to 2pm if I wanted, or 5pm to 2am. My schedule would be my own to set.

In January this year I had a "holiday" which I spent, not holidaying, but working on a novel for a client. It was a remarkable experience for such a newbie; and I'll be forever grateful to that author for hiring me. I learned so much about editing! And I also got my first taste of being a freelancer, working from home.

I loved it. I wasn't lonely. I worked really, really hard. During breaks I went out to meet friends for coffee, or prepared dinner, or hung out the washing. While I worked, my dog snoozed beside me on the comfy chair in the pink room that serves as my home office.

This is the life I dream of and plan for myself. One day soon...

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